Town of Taghkanic
Zoning Board Appeals
Public Hearing Notice
Please Take Notice: accordance with the Town of Taghkanic Zoning Law you are herein advised that a Public Hearing will be held in the Taghkanic Fire House, Old State Route 82, (at the corner of Route 82 and County Route 10) Taghkanic, New York.
1) Hearing Date: December 28, 2020 Time: 7PM
For the Application of: Cherbuni
Property Address: 2114 County Route 27 (Taghkanic) NY
Purpose of the Application: Variance
The purpose of the hearing is to answer all questions and concerns of the Public. If you cannot be present but wish to express an opinion you may do so by certified letter, return receipt, to the ZBA Clerk, Jean-Adele Howard, 361 Route 82, Hudson, N Y 12534 to the Attention of the ZBA. Be aware that this will be your only opportunity to be heard before your property is influenced by the decision which must be made on this application.