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Why is the Board fast-tracking ADU zoning?


Updated: Jul 3, 2024

As many of you know, the Town Board has been involved in a prolonged process of updating the Taghkanic zoning code. So, it may seem odd that the Board has now invited public comment on: Proposed Local Law No. 2 of the year 2024, entitled a local law “enacting Accessory Dwelling Units regulations for the Town of Taghkanic.” Why the focus on ADUs at this time?

Briefly, New York State has created the Plus One ADU Grant Program, an initiative to create and improve Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) across the state. The program is aimed at supporting low- and middle-income single-family homeowners who wish to build a new ADU on their property or improve an existing ADU that needs to be brought into compliance with local and state code requirements. (Read more about the program.) Columbia County applied for and was awarded a $2 million Plus One ADU grant that will support the construction or improvement of ADUs for homeowners in towns throughout the county - but only in towns where ADUs are permitted in the zoning code. Since the Taghkanic zoning code does not currently permit ADUs, Taghkanic homeowners are not currently eligible for these ADU grants.

It is likely that another round of grant application will open up near the end of 2024, at which time Columbia County intends to apply for additional funding. In order to make sure that Taghkanic residents and homeowners are eligible to apply for ADU grants in a next round of funding, Taghkanic must at that time permit ADUs in its zoning code. Therefore, the Town Board is moving now to enact as a separate law that section of the proposed new zoning code that deals with the permitting of ADUs.




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Taghkanic Town Board will hold a public hearing on July 8, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the Taghkanic Town Hall located at 909 Route 82, Taghkanic, New York, 12502 to hear all interested parties on:


Proposed Local Law No. 2 of the year 2024, entitled a local law

“enacting Accessory Dwelling Units regulations for the Town of Taghkanic.


All persons interested in commenting on the proposed local law shall be heard at such time. A full and complete copy of the proposed local law is available at the office of the Taghkanic Town Clerk during normal business hours.  The information is also available on the town internet site at

Dated:  June 19, 2024                                                

s/Cheryl Rogers

Town Clerk

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