We know there is an interest in learning more about planting and maintaining native trees and shrubs and reforesting our properties. David Newman of Arthur's Point Farm, a Hudson Valley native plant and tree nursery, is hosting two "Farm Tours" of his establishment where, among other topics, he'll be discussing native trees. Arthur's Point not only sells native trees and plants, they also have huge plantings you can view. David and his staff are quite knowledgeable and will be happy to answer questions.

The tours are being held on Saturday, July 15 at 10am and Saturday, September 23 at 10am and 1pm. A number of residents and members from Taghkanic's CAC (Conservation Advisory Committee) and CSC Task Force (Climate Smarties) will be joining this Saturday's (7/15) 10am tour. If you'd like to join us, please RSVP to info@arthurspointfarm.com to reserve a spot.