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Taghkanic Free Community Fridge is Open for Business!


Updated: Jan 12, 2023

The Pandemic brought to light the food insecurity that many families face. In response, a number of communities established "free food refrigerators" stocked and maintained by volunteers to help support these families. Volunteer food kitchens have also sprung up. Both the West Taghkanic Diner and the Columbia County Recovery Kitchen prepare meals for distribution throughout the County via a network of volunteers. Now, a group of local residents and businesses have joined in the effort and established the Taghkanic Free Community Fridge, well stocked and ready to provide anyone and everyone in our community a prepared meal and/or groceries.

Please help us get the word out to anyone you think could benefit from this resource. The fridge is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can't miss it - the cheery yellow building sits alongside the back door of Town Hall. The fridge and pantry are stocked with all manner of foods, including meals prepared by West Taghkanic Diner and Recovery Kitchen.

Follow along with us on Face Book and Instagram - taghkaniccommunityfridge.

There are many ways for folks to get involved. We welcome food donations - please carefully read the guidelines for donations below. We also welcome cash donations - either through VENMO (@Taghkanicfridge) or by dropping your donation in the box located inside Town Hall during business hours. If you'd like to join our brigade of fridge volunteers and help manage, clean and stock the fridge, please contact Betsy (

Special shoutout to the following stellar folks: Pete Beck, who singlehandedly constructed the shelter, with materials supplied by Williams ACE hardware! Thanks to Lowe's Greenport for donating the Fridge! Thanks to West Taghkanic Diner and Columbia County Recovery Kitchen for supplying meals! Thanks to Schnackenberg Electric for wiring the whole thing up! Thanks to Stephen Kling for design work and graphics! Thanks to Kara Desiderio for getting us on Instagram and Facebook! And thanks to the many volunteers who participated in the realization of this community project.


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