The First 40: A Celebration of Local History Preserved is now open every Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 4 PM at the Roeliff Jansen Historical Society in Copake Falls. This summer marks the 40th anniversary of the dedication of the restored Old Copake Falls Church as the home of The Roeliff Jansen Historical Society & Museum. RJHS’s mission to preserve the past for future generations is highlighted through a treasure trove of artifacts, documents, and objects from the Copake Iron Works, the hamlet of Copake Falls, the Harlem Railroad, and many new and rarely-seen items from the Society's collection. The exhibit also chronicles the preservation of sites and traditions central to the history of our five member towns: Ancram's paper mill, Copake's Memorial Clock, Gallatin's venerable Vedder Church, the Pulver family legacy in Hillsdale, and the legendary basket makers of Taghkanic. On Saturday, August 19, author Maryann Proper Barto will be at the historical Society from 10 to 4 PM selling and signing copies of her book, A Story of a Basket Maker's Daughter: The Hill. There is a display of numerous baskets primarily made by Maryann's mother Elizabeth Proper. Open Saturdays and Sundays 2 - 4pm, from July 15 to October 15. Visit our website: roeliffjansenhs.org or call (518) 567-7956. The Roeliff Jansen Historical Society is located at 8 Miles Road, Copake Falls, NY.