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Short-Term Rental News & Updates - meeting 12.07.21


Updated: Nov 27, 2021

The Short-Term Rental Subcommittee of the Zoning Commission will meet by Zoom on Tuesday evening 12.107.21, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm.

Any members of the public who are interested in attending may email the Subcommittee Chair, Elizabeth Craig, for a link to the meeting:

Public comment will be reserved for the last 1/2 hour of the meeting, and will be limited to 2 or 3 minutes per person, depending on the number who attend.

Please make sure to register at least ten minutes in advance of the meeting start time, as we cannot accept new registrations after the meeting begins.

However, we will be happy to admit latecomers into the Zoom meeting itself, after the start of the meeting, although we urge attendees to make every effort to arrive early enough to observe the work of the Subcommittee before participating in the Public Comment part of the meeting.

Please stay tuned for more updates as we begin to collate public input and Subcommittee work on the draft.


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