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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Meet at Taghkanic Town Hall at 10 a.m.

Earth Day is on April 22 this year, and to do our part for our little piece of Mother Earth here in Taghkanic, we will have our annual Route 82 road litter clean-up on SATURDAY, APRIL 20. (Rain date is Sunday, April 21.)


We will meet at the Town Hall parking lot at 10:00am, where there will be refreshments on hand for our volunteers.  We will break into squads working both sides of Route 82 from the Hudson Valley Performing Arts building to Taconic Orchards. 


You will be outfitted with a very stylish orange hardhat and vest as well as litter bags and a poker to pick up the litter.  Bring your own tick repellant and work gloves and wear good sturdy shoes.


We will have drivers on hand to bring us trash bags and water, or to provide a ride back to Town Hall for anyone who might need it. We are inviting those of you who are new to the Town of Taghkanic or otherwise unaware of this annual Adopt-A-Highway event to join us.  We’d love to see some new faces.  It’s nice to be outdoors getting exercise with friends.  Many hands make light work and we need all the hands we can get! 


Please email Linda Mirabelli at to sign up or ask questions.



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