In preparation for the first potential snow we may be dealing with on Friday, the Taghkanic Volunteer Fire Company has a few suggestions:
1) Residents with locked security gates/arms blocking driveways should contact the fire company in advance to make arrangements to get through those areas in an emergency.
2) Residents are reminded to have wide, well plowed access to their property.
Snow banks need to be pushed back as far as possible. If practical, areas large enough for emergency apparatus to turn around should be cleared as close as possible to homes and and outbuildings.
3) Limbs and foliage hanging over drives and access points need to be cut back as much as possible.
Please note that the smallest trucks are much larger than personal vehicles and the weight of snow or ice on limbs will droop the limbs down into driveways. The fire company's larger vehicles are two and three times longer than a full size pickup truck and much higher .
From Chief Bill Hilscher, "We ask that folks seriously consider these suggestions and take care of things in advance of bad weather if needed. Seconds count in an emergency and these are fundamental steps that can be taken so residents can help us help them more efficiently and effectively when we respond to their properties."
The Taghkanic Volunteer Fire Company responds to ALL types of alarms to check things out and have a face to face interaction with the owner/occupants. Even if residents call to "cancel" because the cooking smoke was no longer a problem and the detector had shut down, it is the fire company's policy to have someone respond to all calls to check things out.