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Community Garden Planting Day at Town Hall May 20th!


The Climate Smart Community Taskforce and the Conservation Advisory Committee are planting a native species pollinator friendly garden behind Town Hall. Come join us Saturday morning at 9am, rain or shine! We'll kick things off at the Firehouse with a brief talk by Tim Kennelty, Taghkanic's very own Master Gardener, on the basics of putting a pollinator garden together. Then at 9:30 we'll head over to Town Hall to plant the garden and the new box planters that were built by the Critter Crew 4H Club. We'll fill those with flowers, vegetables and herbs to supplement the Community Fridge.

We need volunteers!!! Bring your garden gloves, a trowel and a smile. We'll have sunscreen, bug spray, some extra tools, refreshments and snacks.

Volunteers can take home a tree or plant to put in their own garden!

If enough folks show up, this project will only take a couple hours. Come join us in making our community a little bit lovelier for us and a little bit better for pollinators.

Thanks to Almstead Nursery and Mulch for donating the soil and Morabito Lawn Care and Tree Co. for donating the wood chips! This project was supported in part by a $500 grant from the Columbia Land Conservancy!


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