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At-Home Test Kits For COVID-19 and N-95 Masks

The Taghkanic Gazette

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

From Taghkanic Town Board:

The Columbia County Emergency Management Department has distributed free at-home testing kits for Covid antigens to each municipality in the County. The Town of Taghkanic has received 55 kits.

This is a very small number when compared to the number of residents in the Town of Taghkanic. Considering this situation, members of the Town Board have decided after earnest discussion that it would be virtually impossible to determine a fair and equitable means of distributing this small number of kits among residents of the Town. In light of this difficulty, the Town will instead distribute the test kits to Town employees who must interact with the public or work in close quarters with other employees of the Town.

Please stay tuned for updates, including if/when we receive additional tests and masks, as this is a developing situation.

In the meantime, you can also order up to 4 at-home tests per family from the USPS, starting today, by clicking on this link:

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